The internet is not a primary source of information in Cameroon, and penetration
is estimated at only 4% of the country’s population of 20 million. Across the
country, individuals’ access the internet mainly at cybercafés – internet service
centres run by private individuals. An hour of internet access costs about 400
francs CFA (approximately US$1). The second most important access point
for internet users is the work place, where many workers take advantage of the
absence of restrictive regulations in internet use in the workplace. Finally, home
installation of internet services has witnessed a boom, though previously rare and
extremely expensive. Many more people are now beginning to receive internet at
home, on their laptops and on mobile phone handsets. Generally the bandwidth
available is small, making pod casting almost impossible. However, information on
obituaries, births and weddings is easily accessible via the mobile phone, which has
a penetration of about 40 per cent.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

2.8 (2008 = 2.6)

Citizens’ access to domestic and international
media sources is not restricted by state authorities.
Once printed, newspapers generally circulate freely and are available to those
who can afford it. Cameroonians also consume a wide range of foreign media.
Cable television is widespread in urban centres and content depends on the rights
that cable operators are able to obtain. International and foreign newspapers and
magazines like the International Herald Tribune, Jeune Afrique, New African, and
Le Monde are widely circulated in big cities. However, the blockage of Twitter
via SMS in March 2011 could be an indication that state authorities may be
considering restricting access to certain media.



Select target paragraph3