The media cover the full spectrum of events,
issues and cultures, including business/economics,
cultural, local and investigative stories.
The diversity in radio and television programming and newspaper reporting are
testimony to the fact that Cameroon’s media covers a wide breadth of issues, even
though politics and government tend to dominate this coverage. Investigative
reporting is marginal, mainly due to limited means and the difficulty of finding
reliable sources of information. Investigative journalists often rely on a few sources
and informants, who are sometimes bent on manipulating the media by providing
them with outright lies with the aim of running down political opponents. A
panellist recounted a personal experience of how he was tricked into broadcasting
false information. He related how he was shocked when he went back to the person
barely hours after the broadcast and was told in a very harsh and threatening tone
by his informant never to set his foot in that house again. “I don’t know you!” the
man said.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

3.7 (2008 = 2.2)

4.4. Equal opportunities, regardless of race, social
group, gender/sex, religion, disabilities and age are
promoted in media houses.
A report by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Cameroon on women in the media showed
that there were many women working in newsrooms, but noted that they hardly
ever advance to top positions. Cameroonian society is still very chauvinistic and this
tends to be reflected in the media. However, there is no evidence of discrimination
in pay between male and female journalists. Women’s rights advocates complain
that reports on women portray them in a negative light,, instead of placing them
in the spotlight and promoting their cause.



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