more than 2% of income.18 Zimbabwe is still far from meeting the A4AI standard. During this session’s plenary it was agreed that access and connectivity should go beyond the use of instant messaging Apps and social media Apps. It should translate into connectivity which promotes socio-economic and political development. Emilar emphasised that there should be consideration for the human development aspect to connectivity. A point was also raised that sound economies usually have relatively affordable data. While speaking of access and affordability, Emilar mentioned that Facebook Basics had been rolled out in 8 Southern African countries. She also stated that Facebook was still in negotiations with the Zimbabwean government for the rolling out of the service in the country. 04 Bob Ochieng, ICANN Bob Ochieng joined the IGC via Skype call and gave an outline of the work ICANN is doing to promote healthy Internet Governance the world over. His presentation was based on the African Domain Name System Market Study for 2016. The study found that Africa has 51 fully functioning ccTLDs, with only 13 countries having a fully competitive Registrar market. Africa’s 5 million domains translate to an average of 4.4 domains for every 1000 people of the African population. He spoke about ICANN’s key to success factors which include; • Infrastructure to facilitate affordable access to the Internet • Digital Awareness with sufficient literacy • Conducive Policy, Regulatory and Governance Framework 18 A4AI 2017 Affordability Report, page 7 35 Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017