Silvia Mukwidza, Bustop Tv

Zimbabwe realities of online
Silvia Mukwindidza kicked off this
session by speaking to the realities of
online content in Zimbabwe. Silvia’s
organisation is Bustop TV. It is a group
of young creative/comedians who use
satire to provide social commentary
on the issues plaguing Zimbabwe. In
addition to this, Bustop TV uses satire
to raise awareness about what is
happening in the country, in terms of
politics, the economy, and other current
affairs. Silvia spoke about how social
media has provided an affordable
platform on which local creatives can
publish their work at relatively low cost.
Before the advent of social media and
ICT based communications, creatives
such as Bustop TV had to distribute their
work through television broadcasts or
programmes recorded onto DVD discs.
She however, noted that online content
creators are not usually well versed in
how to protect the intellectual property
rights which arise from their creative
works. Knowledge of these rights would
partially curb piracy. As Bustop TV’s
popularity has grown, the organisation

Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

has diversified its operations and now
includes a factual news show which
seeks to keep the nation updated
on current affairs stories. One great
example of Bustop TV news reporting
was when they interviewed participants
at a march held in solidarity with
Grace Mugabe in light of the charges
levelled against her by the South
African organisation Afri-Forum. When
the Bustop TV reporter asked the
participants what or who Afri-Forum
was none of the participants were able
to give an informed response.
Silvia also echoed Donald’s statements
about the disadvantages of relying
solely on social media as a platform,
especially in Zimbabwe where social
media is mainly accessible to the urban
population. The limited access of social
media in rural areas means that the
audience is restricted to Zimbabwe’s
cities, towns and their surrounding areas.
Silvia said that Bustop TV sometimes
travels to rural areas for the purpose of
interacting with rural audiences.

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