and nurtured overtime. Whereas, online social movements can gain popularity
instantaneously and without any broad support structures and this lack of a steady
support base is the reason why most online social movements are not resilient.
Donald also highlighted the fact that social media channels can sometimes be
used to mislead and dilute the message of online social movements. For example,
it is not difficult for someone who is not of Tajamuka to register a social media
account or page and send out false information in Tajamuka’s name. In this
regard, Donald agreed with Natasha’s presentation that online social activists and
movements must develop a culture which prioritises vigilance when it comes to
online safety, and adherence to the fundamental rights of freedom of expression
and access to information.

Panel Discussion 1

Analysing Zimbabwe’s Cyber Crimes
and Cyber Security Draft





01. Christopher Musodza, Digital Society of Zimbabwe
02. Otto Saki, Ford Foundation (moderator)
03. Jacqueline Chikakano, Media Lawyer
04. Dzimbabwe Chimbga, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights


Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

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