Donald Mavhudzi, Tajamuka

Activism Online
The last speaker to give his lightning
talk under this session was Donald
Mavhudzi from the online social
movement #Tajamuka. Donald spoke
in place of Promise Mkhwananzi
who could not make it to this year’s
IGC. Donald started by giving a
summary of Tajamuka’s activities which
include advocating for better socioeconomic conditions in Zimbabwe.
He then explained how Tajamuka
harnessed social media as a tool to
get the Tajamuka message across to
various parts of the country which the
organisation would otherwise not have
been able to reach had it relied solely
on offline methods.
Hillary Clinton in a speech she gave
when she was still Secretary of State,
rightly described the Internet as the
“new town square.” That is, the Internet
has given people an opportunity to
assemble together in virtual spaces
for the purpose of sharing similar
political, religious, and other views


Misa Zimbabwe Second Internet Governance Multi
Stakeholder Conference 21 September 2017

which cannot be safely shared in offline
spaces. Tajamuka is testament to this
fact, this is seen by the large following
the social movement enjoys online.
However, Donald lamented the fact
that the Facebook likes and Twitter
Retweets, Tajamuka posts receive
have failed to translate into actual
support and numbers offline. Leading
to a phenomenon one participant
described as “keyboard activism.”
Keyboard activism is a situation whereby
internet users support a cause in the
online space but hardly do anything in
the actual offline world to bring about
the goals of that cause to fruition.
Zeynep Tufekci has again written
extensively about why there is usually
online social movements and actual
mobilisation of supporters in the offline
environment. She states that the major
reason for this disconnect is because
offline movements are built on steady
supporter bases which are developed

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