An analysis of Social Media use
in The SADC region - 2014 - 2020

Internet usage - Social media – Age distribution
Furthermore the research84 findings suggest that six out of ten individuals aged 15–34
years who use the Internet spend most of their time on social media (as shown figure
11 below). Three in ten (30% of Internet users aged 15–24 years) spend most of their
time on the Internet searching for educational content while internet users aged 45–54
years spend most of their time on the Internet accessing work-related content.
Figure 11: Internet usage - Social media – Age distribution

Source: After Access85

The two social media rifts trends
Social media stakeholders roles

First, the boundary between author, producer, distributor and user of SM in SADC region is significantly blurring which has resulted in a growing stakeholder rift. While in traditional media a clear

separation between service providers (e.g. professional editors, film directors, media companies)
and users (the public) tends to prevail, social media users can easily switch between producer and
consumer roles. Any user(s) can individually or jointly create content or modify the existing content
of third parties and decide on distribution to other users.

84 RIA After Access survey data, 2017 in
85 RIA After Access survey data, 2017 in


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