common to find a person with more than two phones. At present, Gabon has
four operators already offering 3G technology. Despite its popularity and the
number of operators, the cost of phone communication remains high compared
to other countries in the sub region, such as Cameroon. The network also has
many technical problems and there are areas without coverage. Some corners of
the country are completely cut off from the network. Users are sometimes forced
to climb up a hill to be able to make a call. In addition to technical problems, and
the physical geography of Gabon, with mountains and forests covering up to
80% of the country does not make things any easier.
Access to the Internet is aided by the penetration rate of mobile telephony and the
introduction of modern technologies, such as 3G. The Ministry of Communication
in 2015 enumerated 18 online newspapers. There are also a wide range of sites
and blogs published outside the country but who are primarily interested in
Gabonese news affairs. Access to this source of information by mobile phone is
limited due to the relatively high cost of Internet services and its concentration in
urban areas. For many people the Internet remains a luxury, said a panelist.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:


2.2 Citizens’ access to domestic and international media sources is not restricted by state authorities.
Panelists are of the general opinion that the authorities do not seek to restrict
the access of citizens to national and international media. Apart from technical
constraints and facts of nature, such as difficulties related to costs and the
natural environment such as geography, every Gabonese is free to consume
the media products of his choice. Nevertheless, in the past there have been a
few incidents where one could suspect the State of attempting to interfere with
the free circulation of information. This is the case of a Nigerian channel which
suddenly disappeared from the airwaves a few days after a broadcast criticized
the Gabonese authorities.



Select target paragraph3