
Interactive services possible if STB has an Ethernet pot and viewer is connected
externally to internet
There is wider choice of TV programs


People with hearing disability now able to use subtitle feature of STB to enjoy their
viewing experience


People with visual impairment can use the audio description of picture function on
STBs (not all STBs support the function)


DTT will bring viewing convenience eg catch up services that allow users to watch
programs at times of their choice


DTT enhances better profitability than analogue services because cost/service is lower


Release of spectrum in the frequency band 790- 862 MHz ie digital dividend allows
telecommunications players to offer mobile broadband in rural areas at lower cost
thereby bridging the digital divide between the rural and urban populations.

Policy proposals
STB policy- the DTT migration project must be consumer centred and not infrastructure
centred. There is need for policy to make STBs available and affordable. There is need to
subsidise the STBs and the nature and level of subsidy must be clearly stipulated.
There must be policy positions on:
1. Who will do the sourcing and distribution of the STBs
2. Structured training of STB installers as a youth empowerment program
3. Technical specifications of the STBs and integrated digital TVs IDTV sets
must be put in place to avoid dumbing of substandard gadgets into the
4. There must be mechanisms to enforce quality controls of the STBs /
IDTVs, and receive antennae.
5. Interoperability of decoders to protect viewers from having to buy
separate decoders to access services from different service providers.
6. There must be proper communication strategy on consumer awareness
and preparedness through all media platforms ie electronic, print, road
shows, talk shows, outdoor advertising , jingles. The jingles must be
made to cater for different age groups.
7. There must be clarity on dual illumination guidelines. There must be
a minimum threshold of viewers with STBs before switching off the
analogue services to avoid consumer blackout.
8. Multiplex and transmission charges-: There should be costing and
pricing framework in the DTT market to promote fair charges by the
multiplex operator and signal carrier company. The regulator must put
a cap on charges per transmission site to avoid high transmission fees
that will suffocate new entrants.


Select target paragraph3