Table 5
Tanzania phase 1 Analogue Switch Off Dates
Broadcast service area

Analogue switch off date

1. Mbeya


2. Dar Es Salaam


3. Dodoma and Tanga


4. Mwanza


5. Moshi and Arusha


Phase 2 involved 7 cities , Kigoma, Morogoro, Tabora, Sugwida, Musoma, Bukoba and Kahama


ASO Criteria employed

Analogue TV service area should be well covered with digital TV signal


Public awareness campaign on DTT migration adequately done


Availability of STBs


Tax exemptions of STBs to ensure affordability


Key Success Factors in DTT migration

Effective awareness campaign


Effective regulatory environment


Subsidies to enable consumers to acquire STBs and IDTVs


Tax exemptions on STBs and IDTVs


DTT migration in Mauritius

Was first African country to fully digitise TV broadcasting for all regions and Islands in 2007 Initiated DTT
migration process in 2005. Its first digital services consisted of 6 free to air channels 2 digital channels were
launched in 2008 to speed up consumer purchase of IDTV sets and STBs
Full analogue switch off was completed in December 2013


To speed up uptake of STBs and IDTV sets subsidies were put in place


Introduced attractive content eg 24x7 movie channel


Penetration increased from 30% to 50% in 6 months


Penetration was more than 75% by end of 2010

Select target paragraph3