in a context where it is widely believed that the goal of the government is to
stifle media and that authorities use it, among other tools, for that purpose. In
2012, the NCC was given powers to mete out sanctions, which it has used to
repeatedly suspend and ban media outlets and journalists. One panellist argued
that the NCC was not created with the intention of defending the public interest.
‘[The NCC] is prosecutor, judge and executioner all in one.’
However, in the past several years, the NCC has tried to present itself as an
independent gendarme of the media sector. The current leadership of the council
has made a conscious effort to serve public interest. One panellist observed that
‘members are stubborn...against all odds, they are doing their job in the public
interest and have been able to throw out many complaints by ministers.’ To
its credit, another panellist stated that the NCC has been useful in resolving
complaints against journalists before they went to court.
Nevertheless, the council’s image remains tarnished, as some of its decisions
continue to be controversial. In early 2018, the chairman of the council was
dragged to court in a dispute with Vision 4 TV and L’Anecdote newspaper after
a series of sanctions. One panellist observed that it has proven powerless in
managing the distribution of airtime amongst political parties during elections,
particularly in the public media. The ruling party and its candidates continue to
dominate political and electoral news on CRTV.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:









2.8 (2008 = 1.6; 2011 = 1.1; 2014 = 2.9)

3.4 The state/public broadcaster is accountable to the
public through an independent board which is
representative of society at large and selected in
an independent, open and transparent manner
The public only learns of the appointment of board members of the CRTV in
the news, explained one panellist. As with many other appointments in the
country, The President of the Republic uses his discretional powers to decree
members into the board of administrators. In addition, the board is chaired by
the Minister of Communication, and its members are largely drawn from the



Select target paragraph3