3.2 Broadcasting is regulated by an independent
body that is adequately protected by law against
interference, whose board is not dominated by
any particular political party and is appointed –
in an open way – involving civil society and not
dominated by any particular political party
Cameroon does not have a broadcasting commission. The governmentappointed National Communication Council (NCC) is charged with regulating all
media, including broadcasting, and concerns itself with questions of ethics and
standards. Panellists assessed that the NCC lacks independence. Its members are
appointed by the president of the republic, who uses discretional powers and
does not involve civil society.
However, the lack of security of tenure does not appear to have stopped the
current council from acting independently. In the past three years, the council has
taken some bold decisions, including sanctioning media houses and journalists
suspected to be ‘godfathered’ by top government officials. ‘The council has
been able to withstand pressure from above, directing it to sanction designated
journalists,’ said one panellist, ‘such complaints are simply thrown out.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






1.8 (2008 = n/a; 2011 = 1.2; 2014 = 2.0)

3.3 The body which regulates broadcasting services
and licences, does so in the public interest and
ensures fairness and a diversity of views broadly
representing society at large
As a statutory body, the NCC, which amongst other media regulates
broadcasting, has limited appeal. The council is perceived as a pawn in the hands
of powerful interests. This impression is due in part to the fact that the majority
of cases brought before the NCC against journalists are from members of the
government and chief executives of state corporations. The council also operates



Select target paragraph3