X 10. A mechanism to request and receive responses to electronic messages and requests for information? X BOTSWANA The contact details of specific public officials? 9. Total score: 17/20 CATEGORY 2: REQUEST FOR INFORMATION A request for the following information was sent to Water Utilities Corporation: How much is the Water Utilities Corporation owed by its customers? Would you say that the Water Utilities Corporation has reached its present debt level because of being understaffed or because workers are performing below expectation? Is there any minimum quality standard of pipes that the corporation uses or advises customers to use when buying pipes for water connection at their respective homesteads? y y y n = 20 Yes No Partial Additional information X 1. Is there an official, who is designated to take and respond to information requests? 2. Did the organisation reply within 21 days? X 3. Did the organisation respond to the request for information? X 4. Does the organisation publish their procedures for handling information requests? X 5. Did the organisation provide all of the requested information? X 6. Did the organisation provide written reasons for the refusal of information? 7. Did the organisation disclose information about its operations, budgets, structure, etc. 8. Did the authority provide information without questioning the aims and motivations of the applicant? 9. Did the organisation acknowledge the request for information within 7 days? X They gave verbal reasons but did not refuse out right. X X X 10. Was the information received clear and understandable? X Total score: 6/20 RETURN TO CONTENTS PAGE 21