If they are not being portrayed in a negative way, women are often used to
“decorate” newspaper and magazine pages. The photos of women that wind
up in the newspaper appear to be attractive. In the meantime, powerful stories
about women and their contribution to improving the health sector, the economy
or even the business sector, receive minimal media attention.
Some of the panellists placed the blame on women themselves. Most are not
proactive and willing to approach the media like men. It is difficult to find a
woman who would easily accept to be interviewed or host a news conference.
“Men want to be in the media. They want their stories to be told, but women
do not.”
The gender angle in stories is often ignored and when there is gender consideration
in favour of women the story is highly sensationalised. In recent months there
have been an increasing number of stories of women beating up their husbands
being reported by the media because of the sensational feature of the story.
But there are some good practices. Pulse Magazine runs a section called Sisterto-Sister that showcases successful women. The Kenyan Woman focuses solely
on women’s issues. In the national newspapers, it is also increasingly possible to
see women and women-related stories on newspaper cover pages. However at
women’s conference the editor of the Nation acknowledged that several pages
in the newspaper are dedicated to stories about men and they usually focus on
squabbles and this space should go to women instead.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.4 (2005 = n/a, 2007 = n/a, 2009 = 2.2)



Select target paragraph3