SECTOR 4 Union (BOMEWU) would merge to form the Botswana Media Workers’ Union (BOMEWU), which will be open to all media workers. Up until now, journalists have had a “raw deal” in terms of labour issues, as BOMJA has been effectively defunct for a number of years due to a shortage of resources. An interim structure has been agreed upon for the new union, while the modalities and constitution, for example, still need to be finalised. MISA Botswana also plays the role of a professional media body and about 90 per cent of all media workers and institutions in Botswana are members of MISA. It is, however, largely an advocacy body. The Press Council, with institutional members, operates as a self-regulatory body for the media, assisting with arbitration, for example. The Botswana Media Women’s Association (BOWMA) is an active organisation that is well supported by its members, from state to private institutions and media workers. It regularly sources funding to conduct workshops for the media. The challenge with the new union, as with similar organisations, is sustainability and the shortage of funding. Without reliable funding, these organisations will never become robustly active. Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator. 3 Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may be too recent to judge. 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been doing so over time. Average score: 2.6 (2005 = 3.6; 2007 = 4.3) Overall score for sector 4: 2.8 (2005 = 3.0; 2007 = 3.2) OVERALL COUNTRY SCORE: 1.7 (2005 = 2.2; 2007 = 2.5) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER BOTSWANA 2009 67