SECTOR 3 3.10 The state/public broadcaster offers balanced and fair information reflecting the full spectrum of diverse views and opinions. Analysis: As mentioned above, because government is in direct control of the state radio and television services, they cannot be independent and provide fair and balanced information. The news on state radio and television focuses on the government and is usually single-sourced. A number of new local programmes have been developed by government departments for the state “...It is all one-sided broadcaster, and are paid for by these departments. and biased, pushing the Both the radio and television services broadcast an government agenda.” agricultural programme aimed at providing useful information to farmers. This programme is put together by the Ministry of Agriculture. Other new local programmes on BTV include a crime show, developed by the Police, and the ‘advertorial-style’ lifestyle programme Prime Time Live, which people, companies or organisations pay to be on. “Despite these new shows, we are still not getting fair and balanced coverage. It is all one-sided and biased, pushing the government agenda.” Scores: Individual scores: 1 Country does not meet indicator 2 Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator. 3 Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may be too recent to judge. 4 Country meets most aspects of indicator. 5 Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been doing so over time. Average score: 1.2 (2005 = 2.6; 2007 = 2.6) AFRICAN MEDIA BAROMETER BOTSWANA 2009 51