stories. As a result, there are fewer women
sources in the country’s media.
“The content in the media is partly a reflection
of what society is going through, and currently
there is a drop in prominence of women in

“The content in the media is
partly a reflection of what
society is going through...
a drop in prominence of
women in society.”

A 2009 Gender Links publication entitled At
the Coal Face: Gender and Local Government in
Botswana states that women who pursue careers in politics are “often labelled and
called names”. The publication also notes that prior to the 2004 elections, the
media was “partly responsible for women’s apathy towards aspiring to political
office” as the media did not highlight the achievements of women politicians as
much as those of their male counterparts and tended to treat women politicians as
objects rather than political protagonists.
The number of women in senior management and decision-making positions
(ie possible sources for stories) in Botswana is also very low, and has apparently
dropped in recent years. Five women in senior government positions, who were
considered extremely competent have resigned, been sidelined or demoted in
recent years. Many of them (see below) were connected to the Botswana Media
Women’s Association (BOMWA).




Banyana Segwe, deputy chair of BOMWA, was General Manager of BTV
(which overseas Radio Botswana 1 and 2, and BTV) before she retired
from civil service in December 2008. There is speculation that she was
not on good terms with the Minister of Communications, Science and
Technolgy, Pelonomi Venson-Moitoi.
Sholo Phethu was appointed acting manager of BTV, and in 2007 was
moved to the Department of Sports and Culture. It is not clear what her
role is at the Department. Shortly before her move, she resigned as head of
In April 2009, another BOMWA executive member, an active member
of the Botswana Editor’s Forum, and a vocal activist for press freedom,
Felicitus Mashungwa, was moved from head of Radio Botswana to an
obscure position at the Ministry of Education.
In the same month, another BOMWA member, Montlenyane Baaitse, was
transferred from her position as BTV News Editor to a position in the
Ministry of Trade and Industry.
In 2008, Monica Mphusu, Deputy Director of Broadcasting, was transferred
to a new department - Government Information and Communication



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