Cartel” case, on grounds that their Statement of Claim failed to outline (ITS
Communique-3rd March (Smart Eagles)
MISA has called on the Electoral Commission of Zambia ECZ to consider
allowing Zambians living in the Diaspora to vote. The call has been made after
the ruling by the constitutional court that allowed that prisoners can
participate in elections.
Speaking at a press briefing Tuesday morning, MISA Zambia chapter
chairperson Helen Mwale noted the progress and positive development that
has been made by the ECZ in regards to the right to vote.
“It must be noted that Article 46 of the Zambian Constitution allows a citizen
who has attained the age of eighteen years to register as a voter and vote in
an election by secret ballot and therefore prisoners should not be deenfranchised by their status” she said.
Communique-9th March (Sunday Times)
The Women in News (WIN) have called on the media houses to implement a
sexual harassment policy to enable victims report cases of sexual pestering.
WIN capacity building manager Jane Godia said during the Times of Zambia
Advisory training in Lusaka, that sexual harassment was an evil that reduced
productivity in media houses.
Ms. Godia clarified that the perpetrators of sexual harassment used power
and that it was usually unequal resulted in the abuse. She said sexual
harassment was a global problem and that it was important to provide ways
that would curb the vice.
Ms. Godia said it was impossible to increase the numbers of women
leadership and voices in the media if acts relating to sexual harassment were
not restrained. She said the policy would protect employees against sexual
harassment at work and develop preventive measures to stamp out the vice.
Communique-10th March (The Mast)
The governing PF says the media must not concentrate their coverage on
frivolity and politicking. PF deputy media director Antonio Mwanza on 5FM
radio burning issue interview programme yesterday reminded the media to
take responsibility of their content.
Mwanza encouraged journalists to do much research and ensure that they
get thorough information from their interviewees. He was reflecting on
president Edgar Lungu’s address, on Friday, to the National Assembly on the
progress made in the application of national values and principles, as per
Article 9 (2) of the amended republican constitution.
Mwanza noted that going into 2021 general elections, “we expect that the
media try by all means to be professional and to be ethical,” “but we also want
to the media to bring content; we want the media concentrate on things that
build the nation, not on arguments that are frivolous, not on politicking.

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