Alert-14th February (Times of Zambia)
Information Minister Dora Siliya has challenged journalists working for radio
stations and other media houses to shame people promoting tribalism and
using their profession to build the nation. Ms. Siliya said radio producers and
journalists should be at the forefront to shame tribalism in the country.
She said this at the world Radio Day commemoration held at the University
of Zambia in Lusaka yesterday. “News can’t be just politics, yes we know
politics is important issues to do with women, men, young women and
children..… the content should have national values and radio stations and
producers should be in the forefront to shames tribalism,” Ms. Siliya said.
She said journalists or radio stations should not align themselves to political
parties and should and not allow callers to stay bad things on radio as they
had potential to divide the nations.
Alert-17th February (Times of Zambia)
Some residents of Luapula province say the installation of the village satellite
television project both in some schools and homes is bearing fruits because it
enables them to keenly follow current affairs.
President Lungu launched the village satellite television project in Vubwi
District in Eastern province recently. The project was part of the
implementation of the 10,000 African satellite Television Project announced
by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the forum for China-Africa Cooperation
held in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2015.
By end of this year, China hoped to reach 10,000 villages in 25 countries in
Africa. At the launch of the project, President Lungu said the village satellite
television project was one of the significant symbols of friendship between the
people’s republic of China and Zambia in particular and Africa in general.
Alert-17th February 2020 (MISA)
On February 14, The Zed Entertainment TV crew that went to cover riots in
Linda township was attacked by a mob. The rioters were vandalizing Linda
Police post because it was alleged that some suspected ritual killers had been
apprehended and were in custody at the Police Station. They had intentions
of carrying out mob justice on the suspects.
Speaking to MISA Zambia in an interview ZED TV station manager Mr Eric
Malyangu narrated that the incident happened when the crew was about to
leave, another incident erupted a few meters from the police post where the
mob wanted to set ablaze a human being whom they suspected to be a ritual
killer. Upon reaching the scene, the mob descended on the journalists causing
tissue injuries on them.
Communique-2nd March (News Diggers Newspaper)
News Diggers and the Environmental Investigative Agency (EIA) asked the
Lusaka High Court to dismiss Justice Minister Given Lubinda, his Lands
counterpart Jean Kapata and Tasila Lungu’s defamation claim in the “Mukula
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