3.1.2. Socio-political and Legal Environment in the first Quarter
Of note in the first quarter were the suspected ritual killings that rocked the
Copper Belt town of Chingola, leading to violent protests from residents owing
to supposed inaction and failure to bring the vice to a halt. The unrest
degenerated to looting and attacks on foreign nationals who were suspected
to be behind the spate of killings16. This prompted the government to dispatch
soldiers to help police in quelling the riots which also spread to other
provinces. The impact of this situation is the danger of the media being caught
in the crossfire caused by the tension and security instability, which is often
used as an excuse to prevent the enjoyment of freedom of expression and of
the media. This is arising from the existence of many laws inimical to the
press in the statute books, among them sedition, public order, state security
and criminal defamation, among others17. This was witnessed in the unrest
caused by the suspected ritual killings when police arrested a prominent
clergy man, Bishop Joseph Kazhila while live on Chingola’s Kokoliko Radio to
discuss the said killings. Such a move has the potential to impose (self)
censorship on the journalists and media houses as they do not wish to be
caught in the web of the law both with law enforcement agencies and media
regulatory bodies. Interruption of live broadcasts is in itself an affront on
media freedoms and the media’s editorial independence. This was further
against the backdrop of failure by authorities to release information to the
public and the media on details pertaining to headways made regarding the
suspected ritual killings. This inhibited the work of the media in
disseminating information and fulfilling their function as a proverbial
conveyor belt that relays information to the public. The media should be seen
as partners in information dissemination and management of such civil
unrest, to avoid misinformation and speculation. On this, SACCORD issued
a statement advising government to improve on information dissemination
particularly in relation to the ritual killing incidents, stating that:
We make a strong appeal to the Zambia Police Service to give daily
updates to the citizens in Chingola on what is happening. Citizens in the
Chanda and Liswaniso (1999), Ndawana (2016)
pg. 19

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