government remains transparent throughout the process to avoid any
misgivings within the media fraternity, especially that the process is already
underway. For example, the Media Liaison Committee threatened to withdraw
its support for the Bill following the cancellation of Prime Television’s
Broadcasting license, an issue discussed below. In a statement, the MLC
stated that:
As Zambia heads towards the 2021 Presidential and general elections,
and with such developments, the media fraternity anticipates a more
ruthless environment where abuses of media practitioners and media
institutions by political elements in the government and the ruling party
will escalate. Further, the MLC anticipates IBA and other Government
agents to be unleashed on all media platforms perceived to be offering
critical and independent media coverage to stakeholders outside
Government and the ruling Patriotic Front party14
On the Access to information Bill, no progress was recorded and this is no
surprise as it is reminiscent of the Bill’s eighteen-year old journey since it was
first mooted in 2002. The journey has been filled with several promises of
enactment by successive governments, with several retrogressions. This is
even more critical as enactment of a law on Access to Information was one of
the Patriotic Front’s campaign promises that formed the party’s 2011-2016
manifesto15. Access to information laws allows for transparency and citizen
participation in governance processes as they foster an informed citizenry.
Such a law would further help to reduce vices such as corruption, which
flourish in an environment of secrecy. It is therefore important that the
enactment of the Access to Information Bill is reconsidered as a priority in
view of the forthcoming elections. Further, contents of the Bill that is already
under consideration by government must be made public to enable citizens
and stakeholders alike to contribute to the document, which is a people’s


As reported in the News Digger Newspaper on 16th April, 2020. See
Contained in Section 27 of the 2011-2016 PF Manifesto. Available at
pg. 18

Select target paragraph3