It is important that stakeholders, media associations and government take
the plight of the media into consideration during such times. This could be
done by classifying media as front-line workers, which could enable them to
receive certain critical supplies such as personal protective equipment as well
as other resources to help in their day-to-day operations. This is important in
that media play a critical role during such times by facilitating dissemination
of information to the general public.
On a positive note, the Ministry of Health provided timely, adequate
information through daily press briefings that allowed journalists to gather all
the information needed for their stories. Such a move helped to fulfil the
surveillance function of the media which is critical in times of public disasters
and health crises3. Under such a function, media are expected to create
awareness by providing information on what is happening and of ways in
which the disaster can be faced.
Related to the Coronavirus outbreak are also legal-political effects and this
was exemplified in what is perhaps the most debilitating event that stretched
across both quarters: the breakdown of relations between Prime TV and
government. This arose from a speech delivered by Prime TV proprietor,
Gerald Shawa at a meeting between the Ministry of Information and media
owners. Mr Shawa, who spoke on behalf of the media owners admonished
Information Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga in response to his request
for media houses to air public service messages on pro bono basis.
Mr. Shawa said Government should first settle outstanding dues owed to the
media institutions before it could engage them in providing free airspace for
sensitizing people on the coronavirus.
This did not sit well with government and led to a break down in relations
between government and Prime TV, eventually leading to government
breaking off all and any dealings with the TV station. Minister of Information
and Broadcasting Services, Hon. Dora Siliya stated as follows:


McQuail (1992)
pg. 11

Select target paragraph3