prompted government to pass SI 22 of 2020 which restricted public gatherings
and promulgated various regulations aimed at curbing the spread of the virus.
This included an eventual closure of bars, nightclubs and airports while
facilities such as restaurants remained open on takeaway basis2.
The Coronavirus outbreak affected the operations of journalists who mostly
have to interact with news sources and guests. The health measures put in
place, therefore, inhibited certain media activities as journalists had to work
on rotational basis while adjustments had to be made in terms of gathering
information from sources. The pandemic thus had a cost implication which
posed a financial strain on media houses as they had to provide personal
protective equipment and reduce on the number of staff. This is because the
very work of journalists puts them in harm’s way especially with such a highly
contagious disease. This was also confirmed by some of the journalists
interviewed. For example, Cindy Sipula, a ZANIS reporter stated:
The Coronavirus pandemic inhibited my performance as a journalist in
that I was not able to go on the ground and get facts about an issue due
to fear of contracting the virus. In order to remain relevant, I had to
embrace the use of technology in sourcing news stories and pursuing
sources. In the new normal, I always ensure I adhere to the COVID-19
guidelines such as wearing of face masks as I do my work
The impact of the pandemic also limited the diversity of information that the
media could gather and disseminate as observed by another interviewee,
Macpherson Mukuka, a ZNBC journalist:
The Media landscape has not been the same since the virus surfaced.
We at some point got so restricted to covering COVID-19 and forgot
about other issues of equal importance. It is now that we are adjusting
trying to fit in and cast the net wide again. Reporting on COVID-19 has
become boring. COVID-19 is another mystery in everyone's life. The fear
of moving and interacting with sources made the work difficult in the
first few months. But it seems we are adapting to the 'New normal'.
Although things are tense now, we are subjected to doing internet based
interviews, sometimes it is successful, sometimes it is not. Our local
internet is very poor most of the time and this affects the deadline for
submission of stories. Strategies are either Zoom or Skype

Airports were reopened in June while bars and nightclubs remained closed at the time of compilation of this
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