Gmail Security
Gmail is the most popular email service to date, thanks to its creator, Google, the name which is often associated
with user-friendliness and security. Despite what the company does to keep your emails safe, you may still be
preyed on by hackers, phishers and scammers from all over the Web.
1. Protect your password
Of course, start by making sure your password is strong and not shared.
If you need to change it, visit the Account Settings page as above and click the "Security" tab. You'll find the
password settings at the top of the list.

Make sure the reset and recovery options are safe too - in the same tab, look at the "Recovery & Alerts" section. If
you've already provided Google with a phone number and/or alternate email address, they will be listed here.

Make sure they are correct, and think about whether other people may be able to get at them - if they can, they
could reset your password and break into your account.
If there are no details here, you may want to think about adding some sort of recovery option in case you forget
your password. These contact details are also used to send alerts when Google detects suspicious activity on
your account, and the type of alerts sent can be adjusted using the "Edit" button.
Older accounts may still have a "Security question" set up. However this method of recovering an account is no
longer supported and can be ignored.
If you need help picking a good password, then our video should help:
Can't view the video on this page? Watch directly from YouTube. Can't hear the audio? Click on the Captions icon
for closed captions.


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