Date: May 23, 2008
Person/institutions: Media
Violation/issue: Other

The Deputy President of the ruling Africa National Congress (ANC) party, Kgalema Motlanthe (now President), says the South African media lacks diversity. Addressing journalists at a
Media Forum in Johannesburg on May 22, 2008, Motlanthe says news is being homogenised.
“We have observed that rather than becoming more diverse, the local and global media terrain
is becoming less so,” said Motlanthe.
He bemoaned what he called the commercialisation of media outlets and that the democratising
role of the media is yet to be realised. Motlanthe added that as part of a corrective measure the
ANC agreed at its Polokwane conference in 2007 to increase funding to the Media Development
and Diversity Agency (MDDA). The MDDA’s objective is to “help historically disadvantaged
communities and persons gain access to the media”.
Date: June 16, 2008
Institutions: SABC
Violation/issue: Other

The head of content enterprise at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), Gab
Mampone, has once again been appointed acting group CEO, the broadcaster reported on June
14. The appointment of an acting CEO comes hard on the heels of the second suspension of
SABC CEO Dali Mpofu by the board. Mpofu was suspended by the board for the second time
on June 12. Mpofu was first suspended on May 7, a day after he suspended his news chief, Snuki
Zikalala, who was accused of leaking a memorandum on Mpofu’s alleged bad management of the
SABC. Mpofu challenged his suspension and the Johannesburg High Court ruled in his favour.
The court ruled that the meeting where the suspension was decided did not follow the correct
legal procedures, including giving reasonable notice of the board meeting to all relevant parties.
Date: August 21, 2008
Institutions: SABC
Violation/issue: Other

The board of the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) released a statement on August 19 announcing that suspended SABC Head of News Snuki Zikalala has been cleared of all charges of misconduct against him. SABC Group CEO
Dali Mpofu suspended Zikalala on May 6. Mpofu suspended Zikalala for allegedly leaking the corporation’s confidential documents and an internal memorandum.
Date: September 21, 2008
Institutions: Grocott’s Mail newspaper
Violation/issue: Threatened/ Banned

In September 2008, Grahamstown community newspaper, Grocott’s Mail, won its case against
the Grahamstown Council, which in May 2007 banned all advertising in the newspaper. The
municipality issued an internal instruction, leaked to Grocott’s, that the paper would no longer
be the “service provider” for municipal advertising. The step was punishment for Grocott’s
having run stories that the municipality deemed too critical about local governance finances.
The newspaper’s chairperson, Professor Guy Berger, said the move by council was politically
driven, misguided and illegal. Efforts to talk the matter over failed as the municipality stuck
to its guns. With support from MISA’s Legal Defence Fund, the newspapers challenged this
ban resulting in the municipality yielding. In a signed settlement, the council agreed to resume
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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