Date: April 27, 2008
Person: Marafaele Mohloboli, Kenny Ntoane and Nthakeng Selinyane
Violation/issue: Harassed and banned

On April 27, MISA Lesotho Deputy Chairperson Marafaele Mohloboli, a reporter with IntelServ, was allegedly sexually harassed by the Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD) MP
for Matsieng, Mootsi Lehata, during the Women’s League conference in Maseru. Mohloboli
says Lehata had parked his car near the hall at the Lesotho co-operatives college when she
arrived for the event and started saying how “appetising” she was.
“He then called me and touched my thighs and cleavage,” she told MISA Lesotho. Mohloboli
laid charges of sexual harassment with the Maseru Central Police against the ruling party’s
lawmaker. The date of the case has not been set.
At the same conference Nthakeng Selinyane of Public Eye newspaper and the SABC’s Kenny
Ntoane were chased away by members of the ruling party who alleged that they belonged to
the opposition party, the All Basotho Convention (ABC). Ntoane was manhandled and pushed
from the hall by LCD members who also confiscated his equipment. Insults were hurled at
the three reporters as they were chased away from the conference. Prime Minister Pakalitha
Mosisili’s son and Deputy Principal Secretary in the Ministry of youth and sports, Rethabile
Mosisili, are alleged to have further fuelled the mayhem.
Date: May 12, 2008
Person/institutions: Broadcasting media
Violation/issue: other

The Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) on May 12 slapped broadcasters with a
more than seven-fold hike in license fees. The LCA sent invoices to radio stations with new
licence fees, increased from the equivalent of US$400 to US$3,000 per year. This shocked the
broadcasting media, especially the private media, as it has experienced economic suffocation
in recent years from the government which, among other things, mostly limits its advertising
to the state-owned media. MISA Lesotho expressed concern at the fee hike, noting that most
radio stations are already struggling to meet day-to-day running costs.
Date: July 12, 2008
Person: Thabo Thakalekoala
Violation/issue: Charged and sentenced

Broadcast journalist Thabo Thakalekoala gave evidence in his defence in the Lesotho High
Court on June 10-11, 2008. Thakalekoala was charged with sedition after reading a letter from
Lesotho’s oppositional groups in 2007. The state charges that the letter is seditious. Thakalekoala, arrested on June 22, 2007, was sentenced on October 22, 2008 in the High Court of
Lesotho by Judge Gabriel Mofolo to two years in prison or a fine of M200 (USD $17.50). The
High Court further sentenced Thakalekoala to a further two years for criminal defamation and
subversion. The two-year sentence was wholly suspended on condition that Thakalekoala does
not commit a similar offence in the next three years.
Date: July 21, 2008
Institution: Harvest FM
Violation/issue: Charged, banned and sentenced

On July 21, the Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) imposed a nine-month suspension
on Harvest FM for what it called failure to co-operate with the authority. LCA chairperson
Metsing Mangoaela said the station would be suspended for nine months, six of which would
So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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