
State authorities do not restrict citizen’s access to domestic and
international media sources.

Media sources are not restricted in Lesotho. Citizens have access. The challenge is in getting smaller players in Lesotho to connect to the government infrastructure that accesses the
whole country.
Newspaper publishers have attempted to improve distribution services by contacting the Post
Office to do so at a fee. However, when the deal was about to be signed, the Head of Postal
Services said their services can’t “help to distribute lies”.
Nonetheless, panellists felt that if publishers and/or government were not actively doing something to provide a conducive environment – it amounted to a restriction. The restriction is not
on the radar, it is below the surface.
Score – 3,3,5,3,3,3,3,5 = 3.5


Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation of the media,
particularly to rural communities.

Newspapers have high returns. Printers in Bloemfontein can confirm sizable print runs, but
owners do not have effective means of distribution.
In past newspapers have offered to distribute examination results, and to ensure that a percentage of their circulation goes to the rural areas but they will recall those copies to save costs if
the demand in urban areas is high.
MISA had launched a project to increase distribution of old newspapers to rural areas. The
project did not succeed because there was no support from the private sector.
In the past primary schools were given publications about children’s stories titled Mahlaseli,
to encourage a culture of reading among young people. The project has since ended.
The fact that newspaper content is largely urban based also affects distribution and circulation to the rural areas. In addition, the demise of Lesotho Airways means there are no more
domestic flights, and all distribution depends on road transport. As a result newspapers don’t
reach the whole country. There are more than 100 airstrips. Ministry of Communications had
52 depots for distribution. Areas like Ha Seshote have no road access, and this has a negative
impact on literacy.
Score – 2,3,5,2,2,2,1,2 = 2.4

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

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