support their own cause.
Journalists must be sensitized to play a more active role. The African Peer Review Mechanism
(APRM) process, especially the role of the media in good governance - is not promoted. MISA
should be supported and assisted to be more active.
Until the population feels they are getting a better service from the media, there will not be
much support from civil society for the media. In the absence of community media, the national
media has to earn support from all sectors of the public.
MISA and Unesco have entered into a partnership to support a local community radio station,
which will hopefully go on air in 2009. The project has received mixed feedback from media
players: some claimed the move was spurred by a political agenda (giving the opposition a
voice), while others complained that community stations offer lower advertising rates, and
would take business away from private commercial broadcasters.
Political alignment of the media remains a challenge.
Score – 2,1,2,2,2,3,2,2 = 2.0


(2006= 2.1)

Sector 2: The media landscape is characterised by diversity,
independence and sustainability

A wide range of sources of information (print, broadcasting, and
internet) is available and affordable to citizens.

Newspapers: circulation is not reaching the rural areas. There are 65 registered publications, but
the Post Office does not have a mechanism to keep track of which one is currently operational.
Broadcasting: only radio Lesotho reaches the whole country; other broadcasters’ coverage is
still limited. Private stations are beginning to increase coverage. There are 12 radio stations
and 2 television stations (including the state TV)
Internet: broadband is available in Maseru only. Internet café usage costs an average M10
per hour. Mobile internet is inhibited by the price of internet compatible mobile phones and
connection and usage fees.
There are six (6) registered ISPs.
Score – 1,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,= 1.8

So This Is Democracy? 2008


Media Institute of Southern Africa

Select target paragraph3