journalism. She further observed that the free flow of information puts to shame propagandists and
other one-sided communicators who thrive on media blackouts and limited information channels.
She advised that instead of taking such drastic action, the IBA should have engaged the affected
media houses and help them address the imbalances and other issues.5
She further warned that during a sensitive time such as the one just after a highly emotive election
phase, citizens needed unfettered access to professionally packaged and balanced news and
information on issues of concern through their preferred media platforms. A liberal media
landscape with plural and diverse media such as the one that was obtaining in Zambia provided
such an opportunity for diversity in information and sources of information for the citizenry.
In this regard, it is prudent and only appropriate that any government’s discomfort and fear should
never override the public’s freedom of expression and right of access to information. A diverse,
plural and independent media allows for citizens to fully realise the benefits of such rights and legal
provisions. This further crowds out propagandists who thrive largely on media blackouts and
limited information channels.

MISA Zambia and the Media Liaison Committee also added its voice to the fiasco and called for
the immediate lifting of the suspensions and immediate reinstatement of the licenses. In a joint
statement issued by Hellen Mwale, Chairperson MISA Zambia and Enock Ngoma, ChairpersonMedia Liaison Committee on the 23rd August 2016, the two expressed disappointment over the
action. “We are disappointed with the decision of the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA)
to suspend licenses for Muvi TV, Komboni and Itezhi Tezhi Radio citing professional misconduct
and threats to national security. It is our view that the said suspension of licenses for the three
stations is extreme and has a negative effect on the flow of information as well as a chilling effect
on the practice of journalism as it amounts to arbitrary censorship of dissenting views.”6
It is worrying that there seems to be a trend in which private media houses seen to carry dissenting
views have been targeted and persecuted using various laws and processes as was the case with the
closure of the Post Newspaper and now with Muvi TV, Komboni Radio and Radio Itezhi Tezhi.”

The two bodies further called on all media houses and practitioners to stand united and defend the
freedom of the media against the oppression observed while calling upon them to exercise
maximum professionalism and remain steadfast in safeguarding the public interest.

5 PANOS E.D Lilian Kiefer, as reported in The Post, 24 th August 2016
6 Joint MISA and MLC Press Statement, 23rd August 2016


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