4.2 The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of		
accuracy and fairness.
Generally, reporting is fair and accurate. All stories are vetted by
the editors-in-chief who are liable by law for all mistakes made by
his/her reporters.
The virtual gagging order for civil servants which stops them from
disclosing any information to the public makes it difficult to balance
stories with official comments.
Sex and crime tabloids, however, pay little regard to professional
standards, especially when it comes to stories on rape and homicide
Individual scores: 			


Average score: 			


4.3 The media cover the full spectrum of events, issues and 		
cultures, including business/economics, cultural, local and 		
investigative stories.
Taking all the media in Mauritius together – print in particular people do get coverage of the full spectrum of events and issues,
including investigative reporting. Well researched stories on social
issues, however, are missing.
An exception is the MBC which only reports on events created by
‘officialdom’. Activities of non-governmental organisations, for example, are hardly ever covered.
African Media Barometer - Mauritius 2008			


Select target paragraph3