Cameroon 4.10 Journalists and other media practitioners are organized in trade Unions and or professional associations. ANALYSIS: There are a number of Unions or associations – the Cameroon Union of Journalists, the “National Professional Media Women’s Association” (NAPMEW), the “Cameroon Association of Commonwealth Journalists and the “Cameroon Association of English-speaking Journalists” (CAMASEJ). There are others for the various subjects such as the “Cameroon Media Against Malaria”, the “Cameroon Association of Health Reporters”, the “Association of Economic Reporters”, the “Association of Sports Reporters” etc. but the culture of belonging and effective participation is absent. Most of the associations are like clubs. There is no professional solidarity. Members of associations only pay their dues on the eve of elections. In some cases, the one who wants to be elected pays the dues for potential electors so as to secure their votes. SCORES: Individual scores: 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 3, 4 Average Score: 3.2 Overall score for section 4: 2.1 OVERALL COUNTRY SCORE: 2.0 African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008 39