appointed by a presidential decree. They are supposed to represent
the following ministries:
Presidency of the Republic,
Ministry of Communication,
Ministry of Post and Telecommunication;
Ministry of National Education;
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Territorial Administration.
The Head of State who appoints the chair of the board also has the
right to designate four other members. His choice does not depend
on any input from the public.
Presently, there is a traditional leader on the board. Thus the 1988
decree is no longer respected.
Individual scores:			

1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2

Average score: 			



Persons who have vested interests of a political or 			
commercial nature are excluded from possible 			
membership on the board, i.e. office bearers with the state
and political parties as well as those with financial interest
in the broadcasting industry.

As far as CRTV is concerned there are no individual shareholders.
Persons are appointed to represent state institutions on the board.
Even when members are chosen to represent a non-state institution
like the traditional leader mentioned earlier, they soon turn out
to be influential members of the ruling political party, the Cameroon’s People Democratic Movement (CPDM). Even if they were
not members of the CPDM, they would do everything to be seen to
belong, probably to justify their appointment by the chairman of

African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008

Select target paragraph3