it is feared the people would not buy because of the generalised
poverty. This partly explains the reluctance of “Messapress” to get
to the rural areas.
Individual scores:			

2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2

Average score:			



Broadcasting legislation has been passed and is 			
implemented that provides for a conducive environment for
public, commercial and community broadcasting.

Article 39 of the 19th December 1990 law on social communication
allows for private audiovisual media outlets in Cameroon. The text
of application of that law was signed in 2000. The legislation is
therefore implemented. There are restrictions at two levels. First
of all, the audiovisual media are not allowed to advertise certain
products judged not to be good for the health of the population or
to destroy the society’s moral fabric. This is the case of cigarettes
and alcoholic drinks. Secondly, any individual is prohibited by Article 43 of the law of 19 December 1990 from operating more than
one audiovisual media outlet.
Individual scores:			

3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 2, 3

Average score: 			



Community broadcasting enjoys special promotion given its
potential to broaden access by poor and rural communities.

The 2000 decree on private audiovisual communication enterprises
African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008 			


Select target paragraph3