ruptions of electricity supply.
Panellists agreed that only the broadcasting sector appears to be
fairly sustainable.
Individual scores:			

3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3

Average score: 			



Citizens’ access to domestic and international media source
is not restricted by State authorities.

Cameroonians are not restricted from reading any foreign or domestic newspapers, listening to local or foreign radio stations and
watching domestic and international TV stations.
Individual scores:			

4, 5, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Average score: 			



Efforts are undertaken to increase the scope of circulation 		
of the print media, particularly to rural communities.

There is no identified move to increase the scope of circulation
of the print media to rural communities. However, there is an isolated case of the newspaper “L’Effort Camerounais”, which is run
by the Catholic Church. The publisher makes an effort to have the
paper circulated in churches, both in the cities and the rural areas. The “Farmers’ Voice”, a specialised newspaper which covers
mainly agricultural and other development issues, has its internal
distribution system because it is highly subsidised. Even if vendors
had their way, they won’t struggle to reach the rural areas because

African Media Barometer - Cameroon 2008

Select target paragraph3