Final Draft/Rev.5

Procedure for
parcel post


adequate ventilation;


adequate transport or arrangements
conveyance of postal items;


adequate and secure storage facilities for postal
items awaiting conveyance or delivery; and


track and trace system and mechanisms.



78. (1) No parcel shall contain any letter or an enclosure of any
kind bearing an address other than that to which the parcel is
addressed, but an open] invoice confined to the particulars
necessary to describe the contents of the parcel and a paper
bearing the address of the sender may be contained or enclosed.
(2) Where the laws for the time being in force in any country or
place to which the parcel is directed permit the enclosure therein
of correspondence, such enclosure shall be remitted but it shall be
restricted to one written communication.
(3) A person offering a parcel for transmission to a country
outside Botswana, as may from time to time be notified by the
postal licensee may, upon payment of the specified charges, be
permitted to enter into an undertaking with the postal licensee to
prepay such customs and other charges as may be levied by the
appropriate authority in the country of destination of such parcels.
(4) All parcels originating from outside Botswana shall be
subject to customs checks and procedures and a postal licensee
and courier service provider and shall make arrangements with
customs authorities in checking the incoming parcels.

Insured post

79. (1) Letters, packets or parcels, containing articles of value
shall be accepted for transmission as insured post at the
appropriate postage rate for such articles and on payment of the
insurance fees specified by the postal licensee.
(2) Every postal operator shall abide by all Universal Postal
Union regulations relating to insured post.

Quality of

80. (1) The public postal operator shall comply with quality of
service standards, which the Authority shall set and monitor from
time to time.
(2) Every postal operator, other than the public postal operator
shall submit its quality of service standards to the Authority for
monitoring purposes.


81. (1) Every postal licensee shall submit to the Authority its

Select target paragraph3