Final Draft/Rev.5

Disposal of
postal items

75. (1) Undelivered postal items which cannot be disposed of in
accordance with these Regulations shall be retained by the postal
licensee for such period and in such a manner, as the Authority
may specify.
(2) Subject to these Regulations, undelivered or undeliverable
postal items received from outside Botswana shall be disposed of
in accordance with the UPU Acts.

from postal

76. (1) No postage or any other fees or charges shall be charged
and paid on any postal item containing literature for the blind.

(2) If a postal item containing literature for the blind is
intended for transmission by air mail, there shall be paid an air
mail fee equivalent to the difference between the surface and air
(3) The weight of the postal item containing literature for
the blind shall not exceed the weight that is allowed under the
UPU Acts for free postage.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation, the expression
"literature for the blind" means (a)

papers of any kind, periodicals and books,
impressed in braille or other special type for the use
of the blind, including letters in writing used by the
blind posted unsealed;


plates bearing the characters of writing used by the
blind; and


sound records and the special paper intended solely
for the use of the blind if sent by or addressed to an
officially recognised institute for the blind.

(5) For the purposes of subregulation (4)(c), whether an
institute for the blind is officially recognised shall be determined
by the Authority.

77. (1) Every courier service licensee shall operate from
permanent premises provided with the following basic amenities
and facilities-



public counters;


rooms or lobbies for the comfort and convenience
of customers waiting to be served;

Select target paragraph3