Final Draft/Rev.5

(4) A hybrid mail shall be deemed to have been posted when
an electronic version has been sent or transmitted and received by
the postal operator or when the physical version has been sent or
transmitted and received by the postal operator.
Certificate of

71. (1) A postal operator shall at the request of the sender of an
unregistered postal item intended for transmission by letter posing
box give the sender a certificate of posting of such postal item
upon payment of the appropriate fee.
(2) A certificate of posting an item shall convey no entitlement
to compensation nor shall it be acceptable as proof of the nature of
the contents of the postal item to which it relates.
(3) No postal item in respect of which a certificate of posting is
issued shall be returned after the issue of such certificate to the
sender thereof unless the certificate is cancelled.

Delivery of
postal items

72. (1) A postal item or hybrid mail shall be deemed to be
delivered to the addressee when it is delivered by the postal
operator at his or her geographical address, postal address or into
his or her private box or bag operated at a post office or rural
delivery box.

(2) A postal item shall be deemed to be delivered to the
addressee when it is delivered by courier licensee at his or her
geographical address.
(3) Where a postal licensee is satisfied upon proof that the
addressee of a postal item is dead, it may -



deliver or redirect the postal item on the written
application of any one of the executors named in the
will of the addressee or any person appearing to the
postal licensee to be entitled to take out letters of
administration of the estate of the addressee; or


deliver or direct the postal item on the written
application of any such person appearing to the
postal licensee to be conducting the affairs of the
deceased; or


retain the postal item and on production of the will
or letter of administration of the estate of the
addressee together with the written request on
application by one or more of the executors or
administrators, deliver or redirect the article in
accordance with such request; or


treat the postal item in accordance with the

Select target paragraph3