Final Draft/Rev.5

Authority, where it intends to investigate(a)

alleged non-compliance with the Act or with licence
conditions; or


any complaint relating to the licensee's failure or refusal
to deal with any complaint, or the unsatisfactory
handling of any complaint, by a member of the public.

(7) The Authority may, where necessary, order a licensee to
broadcast an apology, correction or retraction, in such terms as the
Authority may specify.
Online content

32. (1) The Authority shall develop codes of practice for the provision
of online content services and the service providers shall be required to
adhere to it.
(2) The Authority may issue a take down notice to the service
providers if the Authority is satisfied that the material they are hosting
is unlawful or prohibited material and it does not comply with the code
of practice.
PART III - Telecommunications


Numbering and

33. Every licensee shall (a)

operate its telecommunications system or provide its
telecommunications service in accordance with
international telecommunication treaties and conventions
which are binding on Botswana;


telecommunications services availability in the case of
war or other crisis or emergency; and


take the necessary measures to ensure conveyance of
emergency calls and related information at all times.

34. (1) Every licensee shall comply with such numbering and
addressing system as is determined by the Authority.
(2) The Authority shall allocate, to each licensee, a number
or address capacity which the Authority considers reasonable taking
into account the following (a)

the number of subscribers which the Authority has


the need for operator codes; and


any other relevant factor.

Select target paragraph3