Final Draft/Rev.5

Restrictions on
dealing with

29. A licensee shall not acquire any licence, right, privilege or
concession from a foreign Government, or enter into any agreement
with such Government, without the approval of the Authority.


30. The Authority shall develop a broadcasting licensing framework to
inform the classification and categories of licences by the Minister for
both commercial and non-commercial broadcasting services.


31. (1) A licensee shall establish and publish procedures to investigate
and deal with complaints from members of the public.
(2) A licensee shall submit to the Authority(a)

before such licensee begins its operation, the procedures
established under subregulation (1) and the names and
addresses of the persons designated to handle


any changes in the complaint procedures within 7 days
of the change being made.

(3) A licensee shall broadcast information on the procedure for
lodging complaints at least three times per week, during prime-time.
(4) Where a complaint is made to a licensee, the licensee shall
advise the complainant of his or her right to refer the complaint to the
Authority when dissatisfied with the licensee's response thereto.
(5) Where a complaint is referred to the Authority, a licensee
shall upon request(a)

submit, any recordings or documentation required by the


respond to queries from the Authority relating to
allegations of non-compliance with the Act or with
licence conditions;


submit, to the Authority, written reports or written
responses to allegations of non-compliance with the Act
or with licence conditions; and


appear, before the Authority during the adjudication of
any complaint or investigation into any alleged noncompliance with the Act or with licence conditions.

(6) The Authority shall invite a licensee to make written or oral
representations within such period as may be specified by the

Select target paragraph3