Final Draft/Rev.5

(3) A licensee, its employees or agents, shall broadcast a fact
fairly, having regard to its context and importance.

Broadcasting of

14. (1) A licensee shall not broadcast any report that is not based on
fact or that is founded on an opinion, supposition, rumour or allegation
unless the broadcast is carried out in a manner that clearly indicates
these circumstances.
(2) Where any doubt exists as to the accuracy of a report, and
verification is not possible, this fact shall be mentioned in the report.
(3) A licensee shall not broadcast any report where there exists
sufficient reason to doubt the accuracy thereof and it is possible to
verify accuracy of the report before it is broadcast.

Correction of
errors in

Reporting on

15. A licensee shall broadcast the correction of any factual error(a)

without reservation, as soon as is reasonably possible after
the error has been committed; and


with such degree of prominence and timing as may be
adequate and fair so as to easily attract attention and, where
appropriate, include an apology.

16. (1) A licensee shall ensure that, when reporting on controversial
issues, a wide range of views and opinions is reported, either within a
single programme or within a series of programmes, which shall be
broadcast as soon as is reasonably possible.
(2) A licensee shall ensure that when broadcasting controversial
issues of a political, industrial or public importance during phone-in
programmes, a wide range of views and opinions are represented.
(3) A person whose views have been criticised on any
controversial issues of political, industrial or public importance during
a programme, and who makes any representations, within a reasonable
time, to the licensee responsible for the programme, that he or she is
aggrieved, shall be offered an opportunity by the licensee to reply to
such criticism.
(4) A reply to a criticism under subregulation (3) shall be given a
similar degree of prominence to the original criticism during its
broadcast, and shall be broadcast during a similar time-slot to the
original criticism, as soon as is reasonably possible after the original
(5) For the purposes of this regulation "programme" includes
news bulletins, current affairs programmes, informative programmes,

Select target paragraph3