Final Draft/Rev.5

Protection of


offends against good taste or decency;


contains the frequent use of offensive language, including


presents sexual matters in an explicit and offensive manner;


glorifies violence or depicts violence in an offensive
manner; or


is likely to incite or perpetuate hatred or vilify any person or
section of the community on account of the race, ethnicity,
nationality, gender, sexual preference, age, disability,
religion or culture of that person or section of the

12. (1) A licensee shall ensure that due care is exercised in order to
avoid the broadcasting of content which may disturb or be harmful to
children where the licensee broadcasts programmes at times when a
large number of children may be expected to be listening to radio or
watching television programmes.
(2) A licensee shall, when determining whether a large number or
children are listening to or watching any programme, take into account
any available audience research carried out, as well as the times that
programmes are broadcast.
(3) The content of programmes which may disturb or be harmful
to children includes -

Accurate, fair
and impartial


offensive language;


explicit sexual material;


explicit violent material;


music containing sexually explicit lyrics; and


music containing lyrics which depict violence.

(1) A licensee, its employees or agents shall report news and
information accurately, fairly and impartially.
(2) A licensee shall ensure that news and information are broadcast
and presented in a balanced manner, without any intentional or
negligent departure from any facts through distortion, exaggeration,
misrepresentation, material omissions or through excessive
summarising or editing.

Select target paragraph3