6.2 Alerts and Communiques
Communiqué-7th April (ZNBC)
United Party for National Development (UPND) Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka
accused the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) of abusing state-owned; Zambia National Broadcasting
Corporation (ZNBC) on a daily basis to parade huge numbers of fake defections from UPND. In a
statement released to the media, Mr. Mucheleka further accused the ruling party of blocking the
opposition from holding meetings while allowing PF members to continue campaigning.
Communiqué-8th April (News Diggers)
LUSAKA Chief Resident Magistrate Lameck Mwale found Chishimba Kambwili with a case to answer
in a matter he was being charged with defamation of the President in relation to his remarks.
Communiqué-14th April (KBN TV)
MISA Zambia received a report from KBN in which the office of the Inspector General of police
was requesting for video footage which was aired on Tuesday 13th April, 2021 in which alleged
PF cadres harassed a civil servant, threatening violence on suspicion that the victim was a UPND
supporter. The matter was followed up with KBN TV station manager Joe Simata who confirmed
the incident to be true and that they had given police the said footage. However, he said the
alleged cadres invited KBN to cover the harassment of the civil servant whom they accused of
working against the government of the day.
Alert-14th April (News Diggers)
MAZABUKA Central UPND Member of Parliament Garry Nkombo said News Diggers Media
Limited had demonstrated the importance of investigative journalism in the country and has set
benchmarks for the industry. Debating on the report of the Committee on media, information
and communication technologies, Nkombo said the government should provide a platform for
investigative journalism to flourish so that the country can benefit from this type of journalism.
Communiqué-15th April (Daily Mail)
The executive should speed up the process of enacting the Access to Information bill to enable
journalists to easily write stories that can benefit the public, Parliament heard on Tuesday.
Chifubu member of Parliament (MP) Frank Ng’ambi Said the piece of legislation will allow journalists
to freely undertake investigative reporting
Dr.Ng’ambi said this when he moved a motion to enable the house adopt the report of the
committee on Media, Information and Communication Technologies. “The bill will make it easy
for journalists to get information from Public officers. It will also enable the public to have easy
access to information.” Dr. Ng’ambi said.
Communiqué-15th April (Daily Mail)
Elections should not be synonymous with violence, so journalists should be given space to tell the
story as they see it professionally at any given time.
The Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Dora Siliya said reporters should be allowed
to operate in a free environment as the country prepares for the August 12 elections.
Ms. Siliya, is who is also government spokesperson has since reaffirmed government commitment
State of the Media in Zambia


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