Online questionnaire
QUARTER 2 (Apr-June) 2021
Dear respondent, MISA Zambia conducts a quarterly review of the state of the media in Zambia,
detailing trends in the political, legal, economic and technological operating environment. In this
regard, your assistance and input by response to the questions below will be of utmost help in
compilation of reports for the Second quarter of 2021. Ensure to give as much information as
clearly as possible. The information collected is solely for the purpose of the State of the Media
1. In which province are you/your station located?
ÂÂ Lusaka
ÂÂ Copper Belt
ÂÂ Central
ÂÂ Southern
ÂÂ Eastern
ÂÂ Northern
ÂÂ Muchinga
ÂÂ Luapula
ÂÂ North-Western
ÂÂ Western
2. How would you describe freedom of expression and of the media in the second quarter
of 2021?
3. What has been your/your media house’s experience during the election campaigns?
4. How would you describe the political environment in the quarter under review?
5. How would you describe the economic environment tin the in the quarter under review?
6. How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work as a journalist/media house in the
7. Generally, how would you rate the media’s operating environment in the second quarter?
Free JJ


Relatively Free J

Neutral /)

Mostly unfree L

State of the Media in Zambia

Repressed LL

Select target paragraph3