5.0 Recommendations

Safeguarding the sustainability of media enterprises
Given the negative economic trends observed in the quarter, it is critical that financial
support packages are extended to media enterprises. Deliberate moves must be taken
through the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to develop a package of incentives
(tax, non-tax, empowerment) to bail out media houses.


Need for professionalism and adherence to media ethics
There is need for the media (both public and private) to adhere to professional codes of
journalism and basic tenets such as objectivity, balance, fairness and the public interest.
These tenets are critical if the media are to serve the public and contribute to the attainment
of functional democracy. Specifically, the public media must undertake to transform their
programming to reflect the diversity of public voices, including those deemed to be critical
of the State.


Enactment of Media regulation and Access to Information Bills
There is need for a renewed drive and strategy towards a campaign for the enactment of the
Access to Information Bill given the lapse of a second decade without the Bill being enacted.


Review of laws inimical to freedom of expression
There is need for review of laws that continue to hinder the enjoyment of freedom of
expression and other civil liberties as guaranteed by the Constitution.


State of the Media in Zambia

Select target paragraph3