4.0 Conclusion
The review in this report has shown that there has been notable improvement in some of the key
thematic areas in the fourth quarter as compared to the first quarter. However, the effect of the
occurrences under key thematic areas cannot be overemphasised regardless.
The socio-political environment did not record any major violations or inhibitions of freedom of
the press through violent attacks by political party cadres, save the burning of parts of Kalungwishi
Radio in Chiengi District by unknown persons. The quarter witnessed positive developments
in pronouncements made by President Edgar Lungu on protection of the media as well as the
implementation of practical security training for journalists. On a negative note, though, the
quarter witnessed the resurgence of a third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with renewed
restrictions that constrained the work of journalists and media outlets.
The legal environment did not record any major development. As predicted in the previous
quarter, the Access to Information Bill was not presented to Parliament, marking nearly twenty
years of a campaign for the enactment of the law.
In the economic environment, a similar trajectory was recorded with regard to most of the
economic variables which posed a negative scenario that inhibited the growth of media outlets
given the high cost of doing business.
Finally, in the technological environment, a major development was noted in the launch of the
National Cyber Security Policy that is expected to guide and promulgate various strategies aimed
at securing the online space.
Overall, the second quarter posted a more positive outlook than the first quarter given certain
improvements itemised above.

State of the Media in Zambia


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