Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom of
expression and the media.
The panel observed that Algeria was one of the countries in the world that signed,
ratified and adhered to nearly all international instruments in almost all areas.
According to the participants, the promptness of the Algerian government to
endorse these international instruments is mainly due to the fact that the authorities
can then use this to help the country regain prestige on the international scene.
Like many other countries, Algeria ratified the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights in 1948. Besides, the country confirms in its Constitution that it “adheres
to the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter” (article 28). In line
with this commitment, Algeria signed in 1989 the United Nations international
covenant on civil and political rights (adopted in 1966 by the United Nations
General Assembly). Article 19 of this covenant reaffirms the right of any
individual to freedom of opinion and of expression while attaching special duties
and responsibilities to this right.
On 10 April 1986, Algeria also signed the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights. Adopted in Nairobi in June 1981, this Charter entered into effect
on 21 October 1986. Article 9 of this charter stipulates that “every individual shall
have the right to receive information. Every individual shall have the right to express
and disseminate his opinions within the law”. Algeria is chronologically the 23rd of
43 countries to have signed this regional instrument. The country has a seat on the
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
More recently, Algeria was on 11 June 2006 the second among seven countries to
have ratified the Arab Charter on Human Rights. This charter was adopted in May
2004 during the Summit of the League of Arab States in Tunis and entered into
effect on 15 January 2008, following its ratification by the United Arab Emirates.
The right to information and to freedom of opinion and expression is stipulated
in its article 32. The Charter also proclaims “the right to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any medium, regardless of geographical boundaries”.
However, irrespective of the motivations of authorities during the signing and
ratification of international legal or conventional frameworks, the application of
the rules and principles leaves much to be desired. In certain cases, the country
has made such significant reservations that the instruments were void of their
substance. This is true for the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights on the rights of women in Africa. Although it signed the Protocol
barely five months after its adoption in Maputo (Mozambique) in June 2003,
Algeria is yet to ratify and submit the instruments of ratification.



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