The Government will seek to increase competition in the sector. To the extent that spectrum is
available, LCA will license additional market participants. The regulatory changes proposed
above should facilitate new entry, by reducing both transmission cost and regulatory uncertainty.
LCA will also consider the role of satellite-based services in promoting competition. This may
include fostering a Lesotho-based satellite consortium, or cooperation with a satellite-based multichannel video service provider in a neighboring country.

The Government will seek to promote the deployment of IP-based content services, such as
Internet radio and IP television (IPTV). These IP-based services are a relatively low-cost means
for broadcasters to increase their audience, both domestically and internationally, and enable
subscribers to access content, both domestic and international. In particular, the Government will
encourage broadcasters to make their content available over the Internet, including coverage of
public events of national significance, and will also encourage consumers to access that content
over the Internet. Because of the international nature of Internet content, the Government will not
impose content regulations on content transmitted over the Internet. However, over-the-air content
that is simultaneously broadcast over the Internet will remain subject to the over-the-air content

3.2.3 Postal
The postal sector has not developed adequately in recent years. The Lesotho Post Office (LPO) is
run as a part of the Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology pursuant to the Post
Office Act of 1979. The LPO has recently experienced declining volumes and service revenues.
Few new services have been introduced, and service quality remains inadequate
In order to facilitate the development of the postal sector, the Government will reform the sector in
a manner that is consistent with the recommendations contained in the Integrated Postal Reform
and Development Plan proposed by the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in June 2006.

Regulatory Reform
The regulatory reform will involve corporatization of the Lesotho Post Office and provide for its

Corporatization of the Lesotho Post Office. The Government will transform the LPO from a
state agency into an independent corporation. While the corporation will be fully owned by
the government, the LPO will be required to operate like a commercial entity. Prior to
corporatization, the LPO will be required to develop, and obtain Government approval of, a

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