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establish a transparent non-discriminatory procedure that will be followed before any sanction
is imposed on an offending broadcaster. In addition, the law will establish a procedure for
notifying a licensee of any complaints, and for adjudicating the matter. Finally, a Broadcast
Dispute Resolution Panel, which will consist of industry representatives, will be empowered to
resolve content disputes and make recommendations to the LCA for enforcement of the
Communications Act and all relevant license conditions.
Digital Migration. The government will initiate the planning for the digital migration that the
ITU has recommended take place before 2015. In order to minimize the cost of the migration
to both broadcasters and consumers, the Government will begin to plan this transition in 2008.
The first issue will be to commission a cost study in order to determine when broadcasters
should begin to purchase digital broadcasting equipment by weighing any falling costs of such
equipment against the need to encourage consumers to begin to purchase digital receivers
when they buy new or replacement televisions or radios. This will also be a function of the
falling cost of such equipment and the analog to digital converters that will allow them to
receive programming that has not yet gone digital. At that time, the LCA will assign digital
spectrum to the broadcasters, with provisions for when the analog services will be terminated
and the analog spectrum returned to the Government.

Access Gaps
The Government will take two actions to reduce the access gap in the broadcasting sector. First,
the Government will promote the efficient sharing of existing infrastructure. Second, the
Government will foster shared deployment of new infrastructure in unserved or underserved areas.

Transmission Infrastructure. LNBS will be required to provide all licensed broadcasters with
access to its transmission infrastructure under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. After
corporitization, the LNBS Board will propose rates and terms and conditions for access that
must be approved by the LCA and made public. LNBS will be required to adopt QoS
standards and rules governing suspension of access to its infrastructure. In general, LNBS
will only be able to suspend or discontinue service to a competing operator where: (1) service
provision is not technically possible or is likely to cause technical harm to the network; (2) the
user has failed to pay for service provided or otherwise materially breached its service
agreement and, after being notified, failed to remedy the breach; or (3) LNBS receives a
written direction from LCA or a court of competent jurisdiction directing it to suspend service.


Deployment. LNBS will participate in infrastructure deployment and sharing arrangements
with other providers, including telecommunications operators, in order to reduce the cost of
deployment and increase coverage. In particular, LNBS (along with other broadcasting
licensees), will contribute, as appropriate, in the USF, and will then be able to have cost-based
access to any facilities funded by the USF.

Select target paragraph3