I 13

The Government encourages deployment of converged technologies. The policy applies to both
networks and services.

Networks can include advanced communications networks such as

WiMAX and next generation networks (NGN), which are optimized to provide Internet services
and may be less expensive to implement than traditional technologies.

Services can include

offerings such as voice over IP (VoIP) and IP television (IPTV) that provide substitutes for
existing services over the Internet, and often include features unavailable with existing
The Government will promote access to convergent services by eliminating non-technology
neutral regulations. Specifically, operators will not be required to deploy, or prohibited from
deploying, any specific technology to provide the network or service. For example, providers of
fixed telecommunications services would be free to use fixed wireless links, as well as copper wire
or fibre, to provide "last mile" connectivity. LCA will also adopt a clear policy allowing the
provision of VoIP services.

The Government will take the following actions to promote competition. Given Lesotho's small
population, level of development, and geographic characteristics, deployment of competitive
infrastructure seems unlikely in the short to intermediate term. Therefore, the Government will
seek to promote service-based competition. In addition, LCA will adopt competitive safeguards to
restrain the ability of operators with significant market power to act anti-competitively, while
easing regulatory burdens on entrants and operators in competitive markets. This will be
accomplished as follows.


LCA will facilitate interconnection between operators, particularly where

one of the operators has significant market power. Interconnection agreements will be timely,
non-discriminatory, cost-oriented, unbundled, and transparent.
— LCA will identify operators that have significant market power.
— Any operator with significant market power will be required to allow physical
interconnection, at any technically feasible location, at forward-looking, cost-based prices.
The LCA will determine both the methodology for setting interconnection rates and also
determine the cost-based rates, after which a price cap will be imposed to keep the rates at
or below those rates over time.
— LCA may also specify certain Interconnection Related Services and Mandatory Wholesale
Services that the SMP operator must provide upon request, at cost-based prices.

Select target paragraph3