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VoIP telephony. The Government is also committed to nationwide availability of broadcast
and basic postal services. There will be a number of elements of the universal service strategy.
— Universal Service Fund Committee. The Communications Act will establish a Universal
Service Fund Committee, in which the Ministry, LCA, and other relevant government
agencies will participate. The USFC will establish an annual universal service plan, with
specific and quantifiable performance measures. The USFC will also monitor the
program, and report annually regarding the achievement of the goals that it has
— Contributions. All licensed telecommunications operators will be required to make a
contribution to the Universal Service Fund (USF) of no more than two percent of their net
operating income from the provision of telecommunications services in Lesotho. The
Government will also explore the feasibility of having other licensed communications
operators in the broadcasting and postal sectors contribute to the Fund in return for
qualifying to receive funds to help to promote access. Contributions may also come from
the LCA, the Government, and development partners.
— Expenditure. Revenue from the USF will be used to subsidize the deployment of
infrastructure to remote, currently unserved areas of the country, which may be used by
licensed operators from all sectors, including both fixed and mobile networks,
broadcasters, and postal carriers. For example, funds may be used for construction of:
towers and backhaul facilities in remote areas of the countries; tele-centres in under-served
areas, using both public facilities (such as post offices) and private facilities; and an
Internet Exchange Point (IXP) in order to promote the efficient use of infrastructure for
Internet peering.

Access requirements.

Once infrastructure has been deployed, USFC will ensure non-

discriminatory access to that infrastructure.
Licensing. LCA will use licensing conditions to promote deployment. For instance:

LCA will include coverage requirement in spectrum licenses, such as those for fixed
wireless or WiMAX, that extend beyond currently served customers.


LCA will include wholesale or sharing requirements that would provide sufficient
reimbursement to the investing operator while fostering retail competition.

Other Government action. The Government may assist the USFC in meeting universal service
goals in several ways. As noted above, the Government may provide funding to the Universal
Service Fund. Second, the Government may make its own infrastructure available to
operators, including existing communications infrastructure as well as other relevant
infrastructure such as that used for the distribution of electricity.

Select target paragraph3